Repair America

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Where is the line drawn?

There was a story that Glenn Beck covered on his program on Thursday which I found interesting. It was the story of Andrew Stimpson, 25, of London. Stimpson was told in 2002 that he was HIV positive. You can read the whole story here, or summarized below.

Stimpson, diagnosed as HIV positive in 2002, had struggled with himself after the diagnosis. He wondered where he got it, and had suicidal thoughts to spare himself the pain associated with treatment and continued life with this disease. In a follow up visit to the clinic a year later, they told him he was free of HIV, that he exhibited no signs of the disease. The scientific community has had doubts on this one. The clinic doctors insist that he had HIV, other doctors doubt he ever had the disease.

Regardless, the scientific community has courted this man for more blood samples, in the event that he has the genetic cure, that his body produced the antigen capable of fighting HIV and winning. Stimpson’s response? “No, Thanks.”

What makes this an interesting topic is where to go from here? Here is a man who may have the possible cure for 35 million people. The doctors don’t want a liver, or his brain, or anything. They just want some blood, yet the man refuses. What can be done? Can the man be forced to give the samples, or should his rights be respected, that the government cannot tell some one what to do with their own body? But he may have the cure to save 35 million people. Where is the line drawn between personal rights, and saving 35 million people? This is not a war, mind you. This is a cure for a disease that is easily preventable, that doesn’t have to spread anymore than it already has. Look forward to a spirited discussion on this one…

Monday, November 14, 2005

Immigration Myths (part 2)

Before I proceed, I need to issue a correction/apology. These articles are called “Immigration” myths. This is a misnomer. From this point on, although immigration is in the title and would indicate legal activities, we will refer to this topic as “illegal alien” issues. My apology to true immigrants. Welcome home.

Another myth was discussed in the car this weekend on the way to the Husker game, that immigrants take the jobs Americans won’t do. Not only is this a flawed argument, it is a way of justifying the presence of illegals in this country at the price of lower salaries for all. The argument was made that illegals, for example, cut meat for $9 an hour. The counter to that is, of course, that I would do the same job, but for more money. The counter came back that because the meat packers are only paying illegals $9 an hour, rather than an American $20 an hour for the same job, they are able to sell ground beef at $2.19 a pound. If they had to pay an American twice as much, the price of that same pound of beef would double.

This actually demonstrates a flaw in the thinking. The meat packers do not set the price of meat, the consumer does. If the price of meat spiked to $4.50 a pound to cover labor costs of American workers, the market would collapse on the price of meat. This goes to the basic economic principle of supply and demand. The demand for $4.50 meat would simply not be there, and the beef packer would have to re-evaluate its budget.

Businesses make huge profits, but the market dictates those profit margins. Sure, the margin would shrink in the meat industry if they hired American workers, but they would figure out a way to make the cuts (pardon the pun) without losing too much of the market or they would fold up because they were running on too thin of a margin to begin with, banking on a low cost ILLEGAL workforce. Frankly, if you are banking your business success on breaking the law or an illegal practice, you deserve to fold.

Illegals contribute nothing. What extra cash they have, they send back across the border to whomever in Mexico. They do not contribute tax revenues, or economically beyond the basic needs. They are not consumers. The solution to collecting from all income, even illegal or unreported activities, is going to be covered in the next post. What we need done is to quit punishing the illegals. If they come through the already porous border, then that’s the way it is, and the Homeland Security or INS should deal with it. The INS should also fine businesses SO heavily, that the mere prospect of hiring an illegal is completely unattractive. Minimum fines of $200,000 on a second offense per illegal employee should be imposed. A lawn service, construction company, or packing plant could easily lose every thing with a few missteps. They will receive one warning every 3 years to quit hiring illegals, as one may slip through the cracks, but then they are on a probation period. Any violation during that probationary period results in the aforementioned fine. This will scare employers straight, and dry up the illegal alien issue. If America is no longer the land of opportunity for those who enter illegally, they will stop coming here for work.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day Reflections

Today, although it is long in hour for this post, is Veteran's Day. This is a day when we tip our hats to the brave men and women who keep this country free and speaking English. This is a day that I laugh at the scumbags of this nation who had the nerve to spit on soldiers coming back from Vietnam. No matter what they try, the military holds true to its tradition: keeping America safe. Shame on you spitters for your behavior. Go back to your Jane Fonda workout tapes. I know that profanity is frowned upon here, but I read something that inspired me (see the quote at the end of the post). I cannot tell you what I think of this woman other than she is a rotten bitch.

I'd just like to express my own personal gratitude to all of the men in women in or out of uniform. May God bless you and your family. There are not words to explain the respect I have for you.

My muse for this Veteran's Day, a quote from General George Patton: "You can't run an army without profanity; and it has to be eloquent profanity. An army without profanity couldn't fight it's way out of a piss-soaked paper bag."

The speech at the beginning of the movie "Patton" was actually a toned down version of a real speech given by the real Patton, and the source of my other muse, "If you're not alert, sometime, a German son-of-an-asshole-bitch is going to sneak up behind you and beat you to death with a sockful of shit!"

Where are men like this today? In uniform, being commanded by bureaucrats. I salute you, sir, the man who takes up arms in defense of this great nation. I'm just not so sure about the state-side commanders' resolve any more.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Immigration Myths (Part 1)

There are many myths surrounding immigration in today’s America. Without sugarcoating it, they are nothing but myths. The first myth is that diversity through immigration is healthy. To an extent that the immigrant brings a healthy and viable tradition to our culture, this is true. The problem is America is no longer the romanticized melting pot of 100 years ago. She is an independent country, and those joining our culture must assimilate. But why should assimilation be a priority to any illegal alien? We have an entire sub-culture that demands reparations for slavery. How does that help promote unity and strength in this country? It doesn’t.

Specifically, the illegal Mexican population boom must be curtailed. These are people who do not belong in this country. I have no problem with legal immigration. However, this onslaught of human debris is overwhelming our country. Debris may be a harsh term, but it is the truth. We have been told that these people are looking for a better life in America. What a complete farce. What tips me to this is the fact that they are willing to break the law to stay here. How can America be safe when there is a 10-12 million flux of people who are lawbreakers, who just do not belong? These aren’t contributors to our society, they are leeches, and they bring no diversity to America. They latch onto a community and suck it dry. They accept jobs that others would take (See Immigration Myths Part 2). And perhaps the biggest downfall to both them and America, they will not learn English. Instead, natural citizens now have to learn Spanish to deal with this refuse.

Assimilation is the key to a successful society, and this is a group who has demonstrated a flat out refusal to assimilate. The illegal aliens are a virus to America. They are AIDS personified – Anti-Immigration Deportable Scum. If you care to comment to this, feel free, but keep the comments clean and thoughtful. Any profanity will be deleted. Part 2 will deal with the myth that illegal workers perform jobs that Americans don’t want.