Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday Glimpses


Al Gore is at it again. This time he is blaming scientist for failing to reach a consensus on global warming earlier than they have. I think he needs to step back and take a breath of the air around that which he is shoveling. First, there is never a consensus in science; there is only 1) theory, or 2) fact. Theory is a suggestion that has to be proven by fact. Man-made global warming is only a theory that has yet to be proven by fact. In fact, this theory has been losing steam recently, most notably with the scientist who first supported the theory. What Al Gore needs to realize is that scientists have to collect temperature samples from a long period of time to realize if a global warming can exist, and during the time of the collection, the same fringe that is now pushing global warming was push a global freezing agenda. Al Gore was also at one time vice president. He continually blasts the current administration for failing to participate in the Kyoto environmental treaty, which was first presented for ratification when he … um… was… uh… vice president.

Ted Kennedy did a serenade in Spanish this weekend for a Mexican radio station in Los Angeles, CA. A US Senator??? This is still America, isn’t it? Too bad the people of Massachusetts are content to be marginalized by this drunken fool.

Diane Feinstein (D-CA) is all for the fairness doctrine. She is upset that talk-radio is dominated by conservatives, that the other side is not being fairly represented. She is quiet mistaken. I’m sure the other side is being fairly represented … in bankruptcy court. What these bitchy liberals need to realize is that since the inception of radio, and the concept of broadcasting, the airwaves have been dominated by market forces, an idea lost on blind socialists. Broadcasting has never been driven by programming. It has been driven by corporate advertising. The radio stations have to sell spots to companies. They have to convince these companies that it is in their best interest to reach the radio audience. It is not that radio is dominated by conservative talk; it is that the listenership DEMANDS conservative talk. Note that while conservative radio thrives, liberal counterpoint radio, most notably Air America, fails. Why do they fail? Radio is a business, and program directors have a responsibility to run programs which generate the highest amount of revenue per advertising spot. Revenue is figured on a per listener basis, the more listeners to a program, the more the radio station can charge advertisers. Radio is a fascinating model when it comes to politics. It demonstrates that unbridled liberalism repels people, while unbridled conservatism attracts people. It’s not that liberalism is denied its voice through radio. The people heard and categorically rejected that voice. This is illustrative to liberalism in general. Any liberal policy brought to a vote before the people will be treated with the same snarl of rejection as liberal radio. And THAT is why liberalism must be legislated through the courts, rather than through the voting box.


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