Catholic Dogged Me (click here for story)
Hypocrisy from a schmuck.
Wow. Pope Benedict says other Christian religions just pretenders, not true faiths. I guess that politics, corruption, and child molestation, then religion should be the order of the day.
I have to be honest about something. 2 1/2 weeks ago, we were by a Catholic church in town. There were people pouring out of church on Saturday evening, and something snapped in my head. My wife was in the car, and I went on a 20 minute tirade about Catholics. But it wasn't for her benefit. I wasn’t even talking to her. I was just bitching to the air...
I just don't like that faith, and it's because of crap like this. The entire faith reminds me of my extended family, and I'm really sick of both. Both the church and the family are arrogant, passive-aggressive, and worst of all, falsely pious. Catholics and my family put on a front for our Lord for about 1 hour a week, if that, then live their lives as they see fit for the next 6 7/8 days, until church again. I'm not saying all Catholics are like that, but I'm willing to bet that the ones coming out of that church on Saturday probably bear more similarities to my description than they do to truly religious people.
I don't know that for a fact, and I could be really wrong about them, but all I have to go on is my upbringing in the Catholic church, and my family around me. These judgments come from the way my extended family behaves. It is as if their participation in religion is just like their participation in a play... they act the part, as long as they think people are watching, then go about their consuming little lives when the focus is off of them.
I guess it just bothers me that I see people who are supposed to be religious (in this case, my extended family) who put on a show for the Lord. I do not see things like humility in them. I don't really see a combination of fear and adoration for God. What I see is people living for themselves, and doing things for themselves. My impressions might be wrong, but as a former Catholic looking in, I don't see a lot of people living for the glory of God, with "good Catholics" being the least of them.
The annual report of charitable nations shows the USA once again at the top of the pile. This is good, but if Catholics claim to be the superior religion, they need to step up to the plate. A good start would be to quit asserting themselves into politics (immigration issues, abortion, death penalty), clean their own house (turn over child molesting priests), and work for the glory of our Lord, not for the Vatican.
I’m not saying I’m perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but people who live in glass "houses of the Lord" should not cast stones.
Wow. Pope Benedict says other Christian religions just pretenders, not true faiths. I guess that politics, corruption, and child molestation, then religion should be the order of the day.
I have to be honest about something. 2 1/2 weeks ago, we were by a Catholic church in town. There were people pouring out of church on Saturday evening, and something snapped in my head. My wife was in the car, and I went on a 20 minute tirade about Catholics. But it wasn't for her benefit. I wasn’t even talking to her. I was just bitching to the air...
I just don't like that faith, and it's because of crap like this. The entire faith reminds me of my extended family, and I'm really sick of both. Both the church and the family are arrogant, passive-aggressive, and worst of all, falsely pious. Catholics and my family put on a front for our Lord for about 1 hour a week, if that, then live their lives as they see fit for the next 6 7/8 days, until church again. I'm not saying all Catholics are like that, but I'm willing to bet that the ones coming out of that church on Saturday probably bear more similarities to my description than they do to truly religious people.
I don't know that for a fact, and I could be really wrong about them, but all I have to go on is my upbringing in the Catholic church, and my family around me. These judgments come from the way my extended family behaves. It is as if their participation in religion is just like their participation in a play... they act the part, as long as they think people are watching, then go about their consuming little lives when the focus is off of them.
I guess it just bothers me that I see people who are supposed to be religious (in this case, my extended family) who put on a show for the Lord. I do not see things like humility in them. I don't really see a combination of fear and adoration for God. What I see is people living for themselves, and doing things for themselves. My impressions might be wrong, but as a former Catholic looking in, I don't see a lot of people living for the glory of God, with "good Catholics" being the least of them.
The annual report of charitable nations shows the USA once again at the top of the pile. This is good, but if Catholics claim to be the superior religion, they need to step up to the plate. A good start would be to quit asserting themselves into politics (immigration issues, abortion, death penalty), clean their own house (turn over child molesting priests), and work for the glory of our Lord, not for the Vatican.
I’m not saying I’m perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but people who live in glass "houses of the Lord" should not cast stones.
Couple of things, for the sake of argument...
First, this is not a new idea. Pope Benedict expressed these same ideas as a Cardinal several years ago. He just recently re-stated the position of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church actually IS the church that was started by Jesus Christ. Certainly there have been many changes along the way, and it may not even resemble the original Church, but it is the oldest, largest, and most powerful Church on the planet.
Politics are part of every day life, even in religion. The Catholic Church has firm beliefs, and it is the responsibility of its leadership to convey these beliefs to the followers of the church. The issues in which religions are involved typically deal with MORALITY. I think that churches absolutely SHOULD be involved in issues of morality, don't you?
And let's be clear about the priests that were abusing boys. It was less an issue of pedophilia as it was an issue of homosexuality. The boys that were molested were not young children. They were typically adolescent males. If this was an issue of pedophilia, I'm sure that there would have been some young girls that came out to claim abuse as well. Why was it only adolescent boys? Homosexuality. The left doesn't want that story told because it would damage the gay movement, but it is fact.
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You are correct, this is not a new idea, but it is the first time this Pope has espoused it as a Pope. It's power and size is also not too debatable.
Politics are ok to get into, but this church needs to watch it. As a church, they should be held to a higher standard than other institutions. If they are the proclaimers of God and righteousness, then how can evil occur in the Catholic walls? You are right about the homosexual issue too. I'm just saying that before they issue or restate superiority doctrines, the Catholic church needs to clean house. Otherwise, anything they say is a joke. Would you believe the words from a child molester? I wouldn't. Would you believe the words of those who protect child molesters? I wouldn't trust them either.
This is the equivalent of an obese, smoking doctor telling you to lose weight and quit smoking. If he is not going to do it, then why should you believe what he says, even though he may be right? In this case, the Catholic church is wrong that they are the superior church, and to claim that title when they are riddled with scandal (and have been through the ages) is preposterous.
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